Why stock Market Business is more lucrative than Traditional Business!
The stock market business is lucrative in comparison with other types of businesses due to existence of perfect competition in the stock market which do not have in other types of businesses. If you are disciplined traders/investors, you can able to earn handful income from stock market in a smarter way. The stock market business is an ideal earning opportunity due to the following reasons.
• Easy entry- Easy exit
Enter in and exit from stock market is totally depending on stock market traders/investors. But,it is not applicable to other types of businesses. If you start a grocery business, you must open and close the shop at a specific time which mainly depends on the convenience of the customers.
• Starting Capital
You can start stock market business by investing Rs. 10000/- to course according your financial capacity. But, you cannot start any business with such meager capital.
• Regularity
As you do not depend on third parties you cannot run stock market business every day. But, in other type of business regularity must be maintained otherwise you will lose faith of customers.
• Influence on the price of the Product
Due to existence of the perfect competition, no buyers and no sellers can able to create influence on the price of the shares. But, in normal business big buyers and big sellers can influence the price of the product.
• Dependency
In the normal business, the businessmen always try to satisfy their customers by reducing selling price, enhancing discount rate etc. But, in stock market there is no direct connection with buyers and sellers. So, no question of satisfaction does not arise.
• Hazards
Stock market business is less hazardous business in comparison with normal business. If you want to start stock market business one brokerage account, one computer with internet is sufficient. But, if you want to start one grocery shop business you need a specific place, compliance of regulatory formalities, collection of various goods etc which is more hazardous than the stock market business.
• Mobility
In the stock market business you can trade even when you are travelling in a bus with help of a mobile. But, it is not possible in other types of businesses.
• Credit Buying and Selling
In a Normal Business, credit buying and selling is an compulsory feature. But, in the stock market, question of credit buying and selling does not arise.
• Delivery
When you buy a share from the stock market it will automatically come to your Demat Account within three days. No extra effort is needed. But, in other businesses, extra effort is very much needed.
• Quality of Goods
In a normal business, the buyer always checks the quality of goods. There is a probability to supply bad quality of goods by mischievous sellers. But, in stock market business this types of problems does not arise.
• Risks
All the points discussed above are in favour of stock market business but these factors are reversal in nature. It is needless to mention that stock market is more risky business in comparison with other types of businesses. But, if you have knowledge and skill you can reduce the risk in remarkable manner.
For this reason, before entering the stock market, you are advised to join a stock market course in order to gather knowledge and skill. Learn first, then you can expect to earn fast compare to other types of businesses.